BookFormattingGurus Blog

How to write, self-publish, and market your books

How to Find a Publisher for a Children's Book?


There are people interested in writing and selling children's books. They will go through the writing part easily, but publishing is hard. In order to find a publisher for a children's book, you must first understand the dynamics of children's books. This blog is written for the purpose of your awareness related to children's books and the ways to find the best possible book publishers for hire.

Understanding Children's Books

Before we learn the ways to find a publisher for a children's book, let's understand what sets children's books apart:

• Age Groups:

There isn't just one type of children's book. They're divided into categories like:

  • Board books (0-3 years)

  • Picture books (3-8 years)

  • Early Readers (5-7 years)

  • Chapter Books (7-10 years)

  • Middle Grade (8-12 years)

  • Young Adult (12+ years)

• Word Count:

Less is often more. Children's books stick to specific word counts depending on the age group.

• Illustrations:

Many children's books rely heavily on colorful and engaging illustrations to complement the story.

Why is Publishing Children's Books Difficult?

• Highly Competitive Market:

The children's book market is saturated with amazing stories. Standing out takes extra effort.

• Age-Specific Content:

What appeals to a 5-year-old is vastly different from what captivates a 12-year-old. Finding the right fit is crucial.

• Illustration Dependence:

The illustrations can make or break a children's book, often requiring an investment in a professional illustrator.

Finding a Publisher for a Children's Book

Let's help you find the correct and the best publishers:

• Specialization:

Look for publishers specializing in your book's age category and genre (fiction, nonfiction, etc.). Do they have a proven track record with similar books?

• Submission Guidelines:

Respect each publisher's submission guidelines. These detail exactly what they need (query letter, synopsis, sample chapters, etc.).

• Smaller, Independent Presses:

These publishers can offer a more personalized approach and a better chance for emerging authors.

• Reputation:

Research publishers whether they are reputable or not. Check reviews and resources like Writer Beware.

Should I Consider Agents?

• Pros:

  •  Agents have industry knowledge and can negotiate better deals.

  •  They can open doors to major publishers.

  •  Agents often take care of the submission process, saving you time.

• Cons:

  •  Finding a reputable agent who believes in your work takes effort.

  •  Finding a reputable agent who believes in your work takes effort.

More Tips for Success

• Improve your Skills:

Children's books seem simple, but they're an art. Get feedback from writers' groups and beta readers.

• Invest in Illustrations:

Even if you don't secure a traditional publisher, strong illustrations make you a better candidate if you decide to self-publish.

• Network:

Attend children's literature conferences and join online communities for writers.

• Don't Give up:

Rejection is part of the process. Keep sending your book out into the world.

What Makes a Children's Book Publishing Agency Great?

• Passion for Children's Literature:

A publisher for a children's book isn't just in it for the business; he genuinely loves children's books and understands their power.

• Market Awareness:

They have their finger on the pulse of the children's book market, understanding current trends and what young readers crave.

• Strong Editorial Team:

Great publishers have skilled editors who can help you shape your story into its best form while respecting your vision.

• Excellent Illustrator Network:

A publisher with connections to talented illustrators is a huge advantage for picture books and illustrated works.

• Strong Marketing & Distribution:

A great publisher doesn't just print your book; they have a well-developed plan to get it into the hands of readers.

• Author Support:

They care about their authors, providing guidance and resources throughout publishing.

Understanding the Costs of Publisher for a Children's Book

The cost of publisher for a children's book can be diversified depending on the specifics of your project. Here's a breakdown of the typical expenses involved:

• Editing:

Professional editing is essential. Costs depend on your book's length and complexity.

• Illustrations:

Picture books and some other children's genres require illustrations. Illustrator fees can range widely based on their experience and style.

• Design & Formatting:

Includes cover design and the book's interior layout. This is crucial in attracting readers.

• Printing:

The cost of printing depends on the book's format (hardcover vs. paperback), page count, and print run size.

• Marketing & Promotion:

Getting your book seen takes investment. This might include book tours, ads, social media campaigns, etc.

• Getting an Estimate

The best way to get a realistic cost estimate is to reach out to a few potential publisher for a children's book with the following details about your project:

Important Note

Traditional publishers usually cover these costs upfront in exchange for royalties on book sales. Self-publishing means you'll be shouldering these costs yourself.

  • • Age category

  • • Genre

  • • Word count

  • • Whether illustrations are included

Working with Harper Ghostwriters

The publishing world can be overwhelming. Harper Ghostwriters makes the process of creating and publishing incredible children's books easier, offering support every step of the way.

What We Offer

As a top-quality publisher for a children's book, we provide you with many services related to it.

• Expert Children's Book Writers:

Our ghostwriters for hire have years of experience creating engaging stories for young readers. We'll bring your ideas to life with unforgettable characters and meaningful themes.

• Illustrator Collaboration:

Our publisher for a children's book helps you find skilled illustrators and ensures that they can work with you easily so that the result is beautiful to look at.

• Comprehensive Support:

We're with you every step of the way – from editing and improving your text to making an interesting cover and helping you figure out how the publishing world works.

Why Choose Us?

• Passion for Children's Literature:

We love kids' books and know what makes them special.

• Respect for Your Vision:

We partner with you, and respect your ideas so that your ideas can be represented in a great way.

• Experience and Quality:

Our team always does great work, no matter the type of book—from picture books to young adult novels.

Are You All Set To Make Your Book A Success Story?

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Book Formatting Gurus is among the top publishing companies because of the breadth of expertise it offers across genres, formats, and distribution channels. Our book agency has earned a solid name in the industry by helping hundreds of writers become published authors.